Month: July 2023

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect sad senior woman

Placing a loved one in a nursing home or long-term care facility is a significant decision accompanied by a deep trust that those caring for our family members will treat them with dignity, respect, and the appropriate level of care. Unfortunately, instances of nursing home abuse and neglect are an alarming reality that often goes […]

Wrongful Death Claims: Understanding the Legal Process and Protecting Your Rights

Wrongful Death Claims: Understanding the Legal Process and Protecting Your Rights wrongful death

Coping with the loss of a loved one is an emotionally trying experience, especially when their death is caused by someone else’s negligence or reckless actions. In such cases, pursuing a wrongful death claim can provide much-needed closure and financial compensation to the surviving family members. Wrongful death claims fall under the realm of personal […]

What to Do Immediately After a Slip and Fall Accident

What to Do Immediately After a Slip and Fall Accident uneven steps sign

Slip and fall accidents are common and can be caused by a multitude of factors – from something as seemingly innocent as a wet floor to outright negligence on the part of a property owner. Although some cases are minor, with victims suffering little to no injuries, slip-and-fall accidents can still be severe.  Victims may […]

The Impact of Negligent Security on Crime Victimization

The Impact of Negligent Security on Crime Victimization crime

Negligent security remains a pressing issue affecting countless individuals across the United States. As people visit businesses and public spaces, they expect to feel safe and protected. However, when security measures are inadequate or poorly implemented, individuals may become victims of crime due to management’s failure to maintain a secure environment.  The consequences of negligent […]

MSW Case: Victim attorney: Lewisburg elder abuse incident is ‘outrageous’

Attorney Erica C. Wilson, of Murray, Stone & Wilson, PLLC, in West Conshohocken, indicated on Friday that legal action is planned against the assisted living facility at 327 Farley Circle, Lewisburg, its management and building owners now that two employees were accused of abusing 17 residents. Wilson, a former assistant district attorney in Philadelphia and […]

Employees accused of elder abuse at Heritage Springs-Lewisburg

An unidentified 17-year-old male resident assistant at Heritage Springs Memory Care and an 18-year-old female co-worker, employed as a resident aide, allegedly took numerous nude and demeaning photographs and videos of 17 residents between December and April, according to criminal charges filed by Buffalo Valley Regional Police.  Read the full story here. MSW is proud […]

7 Steps You Must Take When Making a Road Rage Accident Claim

7 Steps You Must Take When Making a Road Rage Accident Claim road rage accident

Road rage is a serious road problem today, leading to aggressive driving, reckless behavior, and accidents. Road rage accidents can be devastating because they cause physical and emotional harm to victims. To this end, you may have the right to a legal compensation claim if you have been in a road rage accident. A road […]

The Dangerous Norm of Medication Errors in Nursing Homes

The Dangerous Norm of Medication Errors in Nursing Homes medication errors

Medication errors are a serious problem in nursing homes across the country. These errors can lead to serious health consequences for residents, including hospitalization and even death. The problem is so widespread that it has become a norm in many nursing homes.  This article explores the dangerous norm of medication errors in nursing homes. What […]

Diabetes in Nursing Homes: Best Practices for Improved Care

Diabetes in Nursing Homes: Best Practices for Improved Care Nursing Homes

Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting millions of Americans of all ages. It is particularly prevalent among the elderly, with almost a quarter of individuals aged 65 and over diagnosed with this condition.  As such, it’s unsurprising that diabetes care is critical to health management in nursing homes. In this article, we will examine essential […]

​​An Unseen Menace: The Prevalence of Sepsis in Nursing Homes

​​An Unseen Menace: The Prevalence of Sepsis in Nursing Homes Nursing Homes

As we take care of our loved ones, especially the aged, we sometimes have to make the difficult decision to place them in nursing homes.  This decision is often prompted by the understanding that these facilities have the necessary expertise and resources to ensure their well-being. However, the threat of sepsis in nursing homes is […]