William Murray

“Different Names, Same Practices”

It has been 19 months since the discovery of 17 bodies in a tiny morgue at the Andover Subacute II nursing home in Sussex County, New Jersey, in April 2020. The federal government fined the owners $221,115 for not being in “substantial compliance,” and the attorney general’s office began an investigation. But the owners are still in […]

Phony Diagnoses Hide High Rates of Drugging at Nursing Homes

Antipsychotic drugs are dangerous for  people with dementia, but understaffed nursing homes have often used the sedatives so they don’t have to hire more staff to handle residents.  A New York Times investigation found a pattern of questionable diagnoses nationwide. The result: The government and the industry are obscuring the true rate of antipsychotic drug […]

MSW Expanding with Pittsburgh Office and New Attorneys

MSW is expanding, with the additions of attorneys Daniel R. Klaproth and Colin M. Esgro, and with the opening of our third location, in Pittsburgh. Both Daniel and Colin have established track records of great success in representing injured victims and their families, with experience in trial and appellate courts across the nation. We look […]

CMS: Dozens of Facilities Need “Special Focus” for Bad Care

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has released its list of nursing homes that are candidates for being labelled “Special Focus Facilities”.  Often, these facilities are among the worst-performing facilities nationwide in terms of the care provided to nursing home residents.  Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey nursing homes are included, along with facilities from […]


MSW’s Matt Stone is quoted in this article about the abuse and neglect occurring in New Jersey group homes. “They are some of society’s most vulnerable people. Once isolated in developmental centers and asylums, they now reside in homes dotting communities across the state, run by non-profit organizations and for-profit companies. There, they are cared […]

MSW in the N.Y. Times: Push for Profits Left Nursing Homes Struggling to Provide Care

MSW’s William Murray is quoted in a N.Y. Times story that explores how corporate structure games in the nursing home industry have left facilities struggling for resources, while owners strip away the cash that was intended to provide for residents’ care. “The structure is designed to keep liability on the company that has the fewest […]

Bedsores, dehydration and death: PA man neglected at REIT’s nursing home

  A Montgomery County man entered a local nursing facility in need of rehabilitation.  Instead, within just a few weeks, he was neglected, found dehydrated, suffered bedsores, and ultimately passed away.  The facility, which garnered a 1-star rating (Medicare’s lowest possible score), had been repeatedly cited by state regulators for short-staffing, failing to prevent bedsores, […]

Young Father Dies After Heart Attack Symptoms Missed

A young man visited two different medical providers in the same day, complaining to both that he was having severe pain and indigestion.  Neither provider examined his symptoms, opting instead to prescribe an over-the-counter anti-acid.  Hours later, he passed away in his family home due to a massive heart attack.  MSW represents the surviving widow […]