How Negligent Security Can Lead to Premises Liability Claims

security system

Property owners have a legal responsibility to ensure their premises are reasonably safe and secure for visitors, patrons, or residents. A crucial aspect of this responsibility is providing adequate security measures to protect guests from foreseeable criminal activity that could lead to physical harm or emotional distress. When property owners fail to provide sufficient security, they may be held liable for damages that result from any criminal acts or violence that occurs on their property; this is also known as negligent security.

In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at the concept of negligent security and its implications on premises liability claims. We’ll discuss the various factors that contribute to negligent security and examine the legal rights of victims who have suffered harm due to inadequate safety measures on a property. By understanding the ins and outs of negligent security, we can shed light on the importance of holding property owners accountable for maintaining a safe environment and educate individuals on the necessary actions to take in the event of an incident.

Negligent security cases typically arise from criminal attacks, assaults, or robberies that occur on a property where the property owner did not take sufficient measures to deter or prevent such incidents. These cases often share common elements, such as insufficient lighting, malfunctioning security systems, or inadequately trained security personnel. As a result, victims may suffer life-altering injuries or even death, leaving them or their families to cope with the physical, emotional, and financial consequences of the incident.

By examining the intricacies of negligent security and empowering victims with the knowledge they need to pursue legal action, we can work together to create safer spaces and ensure that those whose lives have been impacted by inadequate security measures receive the justice, compensation, and support they deserve.

Factors that Contribute to Negligent Security

Negligent security cases often arise from multiple factors that, when combined, create an environment where crime and violence can occur with relative ease. Some common factors that contribute to negligent security include:

  1. Inadequate Lighting – Poorly lit parking lots, walkways, or building interiors can provide cover for criminals and jeopardize the safety of those present on the property.
  2. Insufficient Security Personnel – A lack of security guards or inadequately trained staff can leave visitors unprotected and increase the likelihood of crime on the premises.
  3. Faulty or Nonexistent Security Equipment – Broken surveillance cameras, malfunctioning alarm systems, or a complete absence of security equipment leaves properties vulnerable to criminal activity.
  4. Failure to Address Known Issues – Property owners who are aware of previous criminal incidents or safety concerns but fail to take corrective action may be held liable for resulting injuries or damages.

The Impact of Negligent Security on Premises Liability Claims

In a premises liability claim based on negligent security, the victim must prove that the property owner’s negligence directly led to the criminal act and the resulting injuries. The steps to establishing liability in these cases typically involve the following:

  1. The property owner had a duty to provide reasonable security measures to protect individuals on the premises.
  2. The property owner breached this duty by failing to provide sufficient security.
  3. The criminal act was reasonably foreseeable based on prior incidents, the location, or other factors.
  4. The victim suffered harm as a direct result of the property owner’s negligent security measures, or lack thereof.

The Legal Rights of Victims in Negligent Security Cases

If you’ve been injured due to negligent security at a property, you have rights that entitle you to seek compensation for damages. Victims in these cases may be eligible to recover compensation for:

  1. Medical Expenses – The cost of hospitalization, surgeries, medication, and other necessary medical treatments as a result of the injuries sustained during the incident.
  2. Lost Wages – Income lost due to time off work for recovery, as well as future earnings if the victim is unable to return to work or their earning capacity is diminished.
  3. Pain and Suffering – Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, or psychological trauma resulting from the incident.
  4. Wrongful Death – If a loved one lost their life due to negligent security, surviving family members may be entitled to compensation for funeral and burial expenses, loss of support and companionship, and other damages.

To successfully navigate the legal process and secure the compensation you deserve, it’s crucial to retain the services of an experienced attorney who specializes in negligent security and premises liability cases.

Essential Steps to Take After an Incident Involving Negligent Security

If you’ve been injured due to negligent security, it’s vital to take specific steps to protect your rights and improve your chances of obtaining fair compensation. These steps include:

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention – Your safety and health are of the utmost importance. Ensure to receive appropriate medical treatment as soon as possible.
  2. Report the Incident – Notify the property owner, management, or security personnel about the incident. Request a copy of any incident report that’s created.
  3. Gather Evidence – Document the scene of the incident, any visible injuries, and any factors that may have contributed to the negligent security (e.g., broken locks, poor lighting).
  4. Obtain Witness Information – If there were witnesses to the incident, collect their contact information for later reference.
  5. Consult with a Negligent Security Attorney – Engage the services of an experienced attorney who can guide you through the claims process and advocate for your rights.


Negligent security is a pressing issue that can lead to devastating consequences for unsuspecting victims. It’s essential for property owners to take their duty of care seriously, ensuring that their premises are adequately secured and protected against foreseeable criminal incidents. By staying informed about what constitutes negligent security and the legal resources available to victims, we can strive to create safer spaces for everyone and hold negligent property owners accountable for their actions.

If you or a loved one have been injured due to negligent security, it’s crucial to consult an experienced attorney to help you navigate the legal process and protect your rights. At Murray, Stone & Wilson, we can help you with negligent security cases and seek compensation for your injuries and losses. Let us pursue justice and compensation for the damages you’ve suffered so you can begin the process of healing and reclaiming your life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
